So come on to first game, playing Ambush as Opfor and fighting right flank as weakest.
Marines have Opfor pinned into spawn, and I am running from spawn against rear of map, forward to just short of Sniper house on Opfor right flank, and fighting forward camping and advancing Marines, Marines have high ground in middle, nading from high ground back into Opfor spawn and firing from high points (including Sniper nest building, and buildings you can jump on top of on Opfor side of high ground) and generally holding alley between main road and sniper nest road) and I am kicked for 24hrs for supposedly sitting in spawn...........
SPAWN is 40 or 50 steps to my rear, none of my team were spawning around me (so spawn still at rear and not shifted), so I'm not sitting in spawn but I am the most forward team member on that flank and killing Marines trying to rush the position.
I want a definition of spawn in 3 dimensions, because if I was in spawn, I just saw pigs flying past the window... now this isn't to say, I wasn't camping which is permitted and kicking marines a####s but that is called playing the game.